2nd December 2024 – Update from the All Area December Meeting

Following yesterdays meeting i can confirm that Paul Airey was re-elected as Chairman for a further three years. Edward Crosby was also elected as the Vice Chair for the following three years. Congratulations to to both Paul and Edward and i am sure everyone will wish them well in the roles of Chair and Vice Chair over the next three years.

Any recommendations brought forward by the Area Committees from their AGM’s back in November were discussed and voted upon. The Following will now go through to the February AGM meeting for the membership of the HTA to vote on along with the other Notices of Motion already passed at the Area Meetings.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by the Executive Committee

Current Rule – 12.3.1

The Area Committee for each of the four areas administered by the Association shall elect three persons from the Area Committee to be Representative Members of the Committee

Change to

The Area Committee for each of the four areas administered by the Association shall elect four persons from the Area Committee to be Representative Members of the Committee

Notice of Motion – Proposed by the Executive

Current Rule – 23.2

Each Area committee shall consist of not more than 12 elected members plus ex-officio the Chairman, Vice Chair-man and Life members.

Change to

Each Area committee shall consist of not more than 15 elected members plus ex-officio the Chairman, Vice Chair-man and Life members.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by John Bromage and Seconded by Debbie McGee

Current wording page 16 under definitions

Hound Attendant: A member of the Association being the owner present at a trail, or the person with the permission of the owner bringing the hound to a trail, slipping or recovering it.

Change to:

Hound Attendant: Has to be a member of the Association to slip or catch a hound on the trail field.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by John Bromage and seconded by Debbie McGee

New Rule

To increase the prize money for the five major association trails to £260 per race and to be split as follows – 1st -£100, 2nd – £60, 3rd – £40 4th – 6th £20

Notice of Motion – Proposed by Jayne Petersen and Seconded by Ian Fleet

Current Rule

Rule 54.6: Admission shall be all to pay and entries free. Agricultural and horticultural shows and shows with classes of foxhounds from local packs may charge full admission however entries must be free.

Change to:

Admission shall be all to pay and entries free. Agricultural and horticultural shows, local sports with hound trails and shows with classes of foxhounds from local packs may charge full admission however entries must be free.  Any Area Committee Member or helper who has received free entry at any event listed shall pay a nominal fee of £1.00 per hound, payable to entry clerk on entering their hounds.

Notice of Motion Proposed by Jayne Petersen and seconded by Ian Fleet

Current Rule

Rule 12.1: There shall be five areas within the Association.

Change to:

There shall be four areas within the Association.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by Jayne Petersen and seconded by Ian Fleet

Current Rule

Rule 67.1 Scouts must be provided by the Promoter, and all trails must be adequately scouted to the satisfaction of the Area Committee.

Change to:

Rule 67.1: Scouts must be provided by the Promoter/Area Committee, and all trails must be adequately scouted to the satisfaction of the Promoter/Area Committee.  These scouts must be clearly identified to the Area Committee prior to each trail meeting along with contact numbers in case of emergencies.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by Jayne Petersen and seconded by Ian Fleet

New Rule

New Rule: All Members whether existing or new should respect the Executive and Area Committee Member’s decisions at all times.  No Member of the HTA shall bring the sport into disrepute by creating any bad tension or bad blood and they should act as an ambassador for the HTA at all times.  Any unacceptable behaviour shall be dealt with under Rule 19.

Notice of Motion – proposed by Sarah Harper and Seconded by Annabelle Connolly

Additional Rule

44.5 – The Association to pay £20 per pup to the breeder to help cover the cost of rearing the pups once the pup has been earmarked and or chipped.

Notice of Motion – proposed by Sarah Harper and Seconded by Annabelle Connolly

Current Rule

81.2 The breeder of the winner shall receive 15% of the fees, the rest to go in prize money split as in Rule 77.

Change to:

The Breeder of the winning Produce Dog or Bitch shall receive a set amount of £100, and the Produce entry money would be added to the existing prize money and would be split across the six ticketing hounds using the existing formula.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by Darren McMaster and seconded by Ian Fleet

Current Rule

Rule 44.2 – All bitches mated on or before 15th November shall be inspected on 31st December by two members of the Area Committee. The secretary must be informed of all litters within three days of birth.

Change to:

Rule 44.2 – All bitches mated on or before 16th October shall be inspected on 30th November by two members of the Area Committee. The secretary must be informed of all litters within three days of birth.

Notice of Motion – Proposed by Stanley Jackson and seconded by Darren McMaster

Current Rule

55.3 – Established agricultural and horticultural shows where trails are held shall have a clear date.

Change to:

55.3 – Established agricultural and horticultural shows and sports where trails are held shall have a clear date.

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