
The welfare of all Trail Hounds is of the utmost importance to the Hound Trailing Association and the Lakeland Trailhound Welfare is a small organisation that was formed in 1997 to promote trailhounds as pets and find homes for them when they retire from racing in the Lake District...

    Lakeland Trailhound Trust...

    The Lakeland Trailhound Welfare home many youngsters who do not take to racing, as well as older retired hounds. Since starting they have homed over 1,000 hounds that have retired from trailing and home up to 80 hounds a year. Many hounds are found places in reputable rehoming centres which neuter, vaccinate, microchip and worm dogs before rehoming them. This is the responsible way to re-home a hound and are very lucky and grateful to a number of reputable homing centres that help us to find homes all over the country.

    The Lakeland Trailhound Welfare also privately re-home hounds in carefully selected homes and promote trailhounds at dog shows during the summer and organise fund raising events throughout the year to help cover transport costs, kennelling and vet bills.

    Whose involved...

    Eileen Robinson has had years of experience in finding places for hounds in reputable rehoming centres all over the UK. Eileen also co-ordinates homecheckers all over the country for hounds that are homed directly from LTW. She owns trailhounds herself and is always happy to offer advice on training and welfare issues.

    Sue Lloyd fundraises and runs this website as well as transporting hounds to various parts of the country. She has had retired trailhounds since 1991 and is always happy to offer training advice. Sue is a short term foster carer for hounds, which enables hounds to be properley assessed before going on to their new homes.

    Find Out More...

    To find out more about Lakeland Trailhound Welfare and the possibility of re-homing a retired Trail Hound visit the website by clicking the link below.

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    Interested to read some stories about Trail Hounds that have been re-homed? Click the link below to discover more about Shyla, Shay, Mog, Farah and many more…

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