
Just to clarify ‘ running out of petrol’ Jim Batty has a habit of -not keeping his tank full I mean! ‘ what’s the point of having £ 10’s of ‘juice’  when the £10 could be put to better use . Anyway on Monday he got as far as Holmrook on his way home – when,- Phut – phut – phut went the motor phut- phut- phut went the car and so on. He hitched a lift in a ‘ Merc’ to Millom just in time for his sausages.

Now there is another tale- because he has done it again, burnt the sausages.

Peep..Peep,Peep went the reversing sound of the bin wagon ,or so Jim thought but it was the smoke alarm not the bin wagon and once more burnt offal.

Well done Mark Steele on completing the three peaks at the age of thirteen, the three peaks, Ben Nevis, Scafell and Snowdon, a remarkable achievement and so say all of us!

Talking about the Steeles after a mishap on Thursday at Buttermere, Tony was heard to say’well there’s summat for your website’ .’No Tony!I wont mention it ‘ was the reply – just because you had your backdoor smashed in doesn’t make it headline news.

Picture of the week David Studholme stood on Lamplugh trail field , dog lead around neck,staring forlornly up the fell , thinking what the f*** is ‘lynchy going  to say!.

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