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Full report of all area’s AGM’s.

Throughout the winter months a weekly look back at hound trailing from the 1950’s to the present time .

Also -if anybody would like to contribute to the website- just ask!

Hound Trailing Roll of Honour 2015.









Baz’s October colours blog.

Funny old game – Hound Trailing – and what lengths people will go to win a Championship. Take Daisy Dream for instance- John Toni Palmer has blessed her with holy water – As David Allen said ‘Be Jeezus’ whatever next?

A message for John -The circus is in town – it is where the marquee is!

Talking about water I hope it wasn’t taken from the finish at Seaton because Billy Birkett spent a good minute peeing in it last week much to the annoyance of his namesake ‘Billy Bowe’.

Hang On ! I might have those names the wrong way round.

Any way Bill hasn’t got a computer:

Les Hudson is the ‘real McCoy’ spotted last week having a good old poke up his snout . Jeanette said he has ‘greenfingers’

More visitors at Millstone -from Weymouth – they won the raffle- It will either be a bottle of plonk or some chocolates- chocolates they won and they were still in date.

What do you have to do to get a ‘ticket’ or two in one afternoon- take Phil Graham -three runners in the seniors – finishes third- three runners in the open restricted – certain to get two thirds or two lasts and what happens – Jimmy called it a day on the finish and was ‘picked up’. C’est la vie’

David Hogg – can’t do right for doing wrong- is the line straight ?

‘Of course it’s straight it just isn’t at the right angle !

Coverage of the trails in the ‘news’ are causing concern amongst some of the older members, especially the results and fixtures .You must be aware that we cannot dictate what a paper prints ,we can ask and advise but in the end it’s the editor that has the final say.

A message to Mike Charlton ,don’t worry it has happened to most trailers and by the way what won this afternoon ‘ Out of the mist ‘ !

By the way the television drama filmed in Buttermere is using a number of trailers as extras – next week we will be revealing who plays what .


RIP Jack Simpson formerly of Millhead Carnforth

Jack Simpson formerly of Millhead Carnforth sadly passed away at the age of 95 . He will be remembered in hound trailing circles by the ‘old-timers as promoter of trails at Warton and Carnforth and his hounds in the 50’s and 60’s including ‘Page Boy’ and ‘Humourist’


Who fancies predicting the puppy championship outcome, well! I did – It was whoever won Seaton on Thursday- so much for that! All four contenders were there and all four got beat

Trying Times ahead!

Further to last weeks query, re Prudence finishing last and ‘glass bottles’ ,apparently now it involves two glass bottles- could be something to do with an initiation ceremony involving an old sect.

Driver of the week goes to Pat Black who having never been to Seaton nearly followed me into a lay-by, carried on ,and ended up in Dearham.

Got a message from Ian Donaldson on Tuesday. Something about a wrong field at Seaton . All I can say is – He made a better job of it than the rest of us. LOL.

Waiting for the seniors at Buttermere , in the lay-by with the big stone when Gordon and Mary Benson pulled up behind me.

‘Afternoon’ Mary ,’wont be a sec just having a pee’

She went the same colour as her flag!

Nearly forgot! driver of the week wasn’t Pat but the bloody idiot who ignored Gordon’s red flag at Buttermere and tootled on up Honister  completely oblivious to his actions and whilst we are on that subject – Bill Huddart had his red flag arm extended at the Bower and a cyclist rode straight by and nearly run over ‘Mathilda’. Must be the time of the year!

A message for ‘those who know’ . Have you rebuilt the wall on the road crossing at Bower House?

Back to Ian Donaldson and a grin like a Cheshire cat when Try Time won at Seaton. He wont be laughing when , due to an emergency , all remaining Cockermouth and Workington area trails are moved to Dearham. ( Its only a joke, just in case somebody believes it !)

The Whitehaven only printed the first three again this week, no offence to Mike and family but it was a big photo!

If Dickie Smithson isn’t at Grange in Borrowdale on Wed it ‘s because he is at Grange over Sands ( our lads running them).

It has finally happened – After all the ‘earache’ I have had this season from all angles of the game =.I have got bloody Earache  and it hurts.

Signing off for now! Baz.


Baz’s weekly blog .

Saying of the week attributed to the vice chair:

‘ the driving hound is still in front’!

A tongue in cheek story.

It isn’t really on that the nearest NHS dentist available to the kids in Eskdale  is situated in Penrith . All I can say is that it was a good thing that the hounds were out in the morning and the trails in the afternoon at Helton which gave them something to do. ( more educational than school)

A message from Arnold at Stockdale – I’ve had a sore throat and a cough so decided to call it a day for the rest of the season, but mark my word  – ‘I’ll be back’.

Ps Who needs me when we have our ‘Bess’.

Plenty of visitors at Wasdale show: monitored the stile at the start of the maidens- ‘keep back please they are supposed to jump the stile but some might jump the wall’.

They all jumped the wall ( see picture in news)

Talking about Wasdale- and the practice of the winning hound owner tipping the trailers.

David Crowe won the maidens and also laid the trail so he would tip himself and  Arthur Temple who in turn won the puppy maidens so he would tip John Brumage who incidentally is David Crowes brother in law and the other trailer Anthony Steel who is a mate of them all and together they all went to the pub and supped it!

I wonder- It is common knowledge that if Prudence wins ”what happens’! but the question asked now ‘what happens when she finishes last’? apparently a glass jar is involved!

On a sad note Gordon Tyson of Troutbeck park farm (head of the valley)  and formerly ‘Wha house farm Eskdale – passed away last week. The funeral is on Tuesday at 2 00pm Jesus Church Troutbeck.

No drivers tales but  on coming through Ambleside ,where they are resurfacing the road. The lights were on green but the road was blocked by a wagon the lights turned to red and the traffic came from the opposite direction . Therefore we had traffic going south- a wagon- traffic going north and consequently nobody going anywhere. The chap that sorted it had grey hair, he hadn’t but he has now!

Question – Is the gate wide enough at Cunswick Fell?

Answer- refer secretary and wing mirror!

Finally – Farmers income.

Buttermere trails at Gatesgarth where the catering was done by Ron from Keswick who has retired from full time work so only needs his van for the trails. As the trails were Tuesday and Thursday he left his van on the field for two nights. As I left the field Will and Ron were negotiating the two overnight stays rent.I Think a cup of tea and a hot dog sorted it!


Baz aka Noddy look back at last week.

Noddy- Mary Benson has knitted a red bobble hat and I am to wear it when scouting, she said I look like Noddy so I am now looking for Big Ears.

Driver of the week; Surprise – Caroline driving behind a very frightened hound on a main road trying to manoeuvre it of the road and into a lane. Which she accomplished without damage to the hound, car, or me.

She shares this with Pat Black who nearly drove through the rope barrier at Applethwaite on Monday, swerving at the last minute – to busy talking?

Got the time wrong at Dearham on Tuesday- By the way so did everybody else!

Back to Applethwaite – What went wrong? The senior trailers walked for1 hour and 50 mins each that equals ( for a fresh trail) around about 36-38 minute trail add at least 5 minutes for the almost impenetrable bracken and you’ve got a senior trail.But, and a big but , what happened to the maidens? .All I can say is the weather was against them, wind and heavy rain on a dry surface, the rags were fine, the mixture, no problem but as the scouts reported – ‘ they couldn’t find a ‘line’ even the short trails which seemed ok had difficulty in finding a true line.

Perhaps those who were quick to criticize know the answer . Me , well only 50 years of running trails and I don’t know!

Spare a thought for Les Warwick, 71 years old, laying Shap trail last week in misty conditions. I can speak from experience -it’s extremely difficult and no blame should be attached to him.

Thanks to all those who turned out to look for lost hounds after Applethwaite.

Puppy Championship – Cunswick and Millstone Moor but you don’t have to be Einstein to realise that.

Rather an abrupt ending ; so to please John Toni Palmer:



Baz’s October blog.

Into the final month and, with the Senior Championship settled , we still have an intriguing battle for the junior honours.

Will it be Persian bay or Sky, Daisy Dream, Huntsman’s Kraka, Arizona ,Lone Rebel, Thorn Dancer.

Who Knows?

Saying of the week- As one farmer (ish) said to his lady companion ‘ By gum lass thou’s put some weight on’

She replied ‘ That’s not very nice and you  are not so thin  thyself !

Not nice’ he said ‘I could have said thou was gitting  fat.’

No names but if he had a hound it would be called p*** pot.

By the way we all wish Alec Steele a speedy recovery from his horrific accident.

Seaton on Tuesday received a text from Tony Irving relating to ”a good piece of shepherding’

He rounded them up and put them in the right field – as the saying goes .

When there’s a problem ‘ Who do you call? you call Fireman Sam!

Superstition and Sparrowmire Angel are brother and sister , just a slight balls up!

Talking to two visitors at Kirkstone ,when Helen came up and paid to come in, as it was after the first trail she was charged two pounds, one of the visitors said ‘we have just arrived and it cost us three pound’ . talk your way out of that Baz!

Just returned from re- surfacing dubs lane.

Wendy and Russ were the whiteliners and thanks for their input and I apologise to Wendy ,as she was  completing her task- I bent down and ‘trumped’ . right angle ,right distance, perfectly timed and executed with flare and imagination . lol.

Performance of the week – Seniors Low Place -Rooster , Jack was’ cock – a -hoop’ and then realised it will not be a maiden next season.

I knew I’d left something behind – Night Vision’s lead- JOE!

Another one in Hospital – Tommy Newall ,apparently going bionic, we wish him well and the WD 40 is on its way!



Get Better.

On behalf of all HTA members we would like to wish Alec Steele a speedy recovery from his accident.

Baz’s Autumnal look at last week.

Who would be a trailer, you lay the trail, you’ve got to get it right , no mistakes ,you climb a wall ,done it many times ,put your foot on the pig netting ,jump down, easy!. Only this time your foot gets stuck and down you go headfirst into the ground.

Now I’m glad to report that the wall and netting were undamaged as for the trailer, no damage he landed on his head -joking apart – the reality is -He was lucky,

and it just goes to show it isn’t all plain sailing and you look around at the lads and lassies laying the trails and they aren’t getting any younger!

Did you see Phil Graham wearing a Tour of Britain cycling top – he hasn’t got a bike but he said ‘I look good ‘

Talking about looking  good. Les Hudson turned up at Seaton in a bird – pulling Audi TT registration DOL.

Look of the week : Graham at Les – after Huntsmans had beaten Ted for the second time at Loweswater – Les was substitute catcher – It is the only way he can win a trail-catch somebody else’s.

A number of visitors this week : two Americans at Seaton and Aussies at kentmere.

Daftest request of the season attributed to a Mr Riley – No Smoking on a trail field – directed towards Cousin Brown , who immediately lit up a cigar!

Interesting puppy championship ,plenty in with a ‘shout’ if they keep beating each other and Bracelet and Marlou improve, who knows?

Apparently young Whitfield ( taller than his mum) has discovered that video  of ‘Cocky Bilbao’ , can’t believe it – neither can I!

Can you look in the camera Baz? was the request.

C/q the result please.

OK! but it would have been a lot simpler if you had switched it on. That was Half an Hour later after searching for the trail in question !

Driving- I will own up – missed the signs at Loweswater, drove off the road and down the banking then on the way out turned right down the no through road to the lake.

Excellent tea and sandwiches etc at Kentmere and after a c/q it was found that there was one mug missing . The town crier announced ‘ nobody to leave the field until the missing mug is returned.’

Where was it? In my car !

Somebody must have put it there – Honestly!.



Baz’s Birthday blog.

Shock of the week goes jointly to Neil Brown and Billy Birkett on receiving a ‘jolt ‘when touching a ‘live’  gate and also Bill was in the wars when Persian Gold decided to negotiate the small gap between his  legs and gave his ‘meat and two veg’ a nudge , “OW”.

Saying of the week ‘The winner didn’t win’ appropriated to someone who shall remain nameless and the same person has been entered in an event taking place on Saturday at the ‘crab’.

She’ll be the one standing under the’ Westgate’ with her head in a collar.

Keith Lynch’s van doubled in price this week only to go back to its original value when he recovered the prize money from behind the engine. Where there’s a will there’s a way!
Phil Graham last week laid his  fiftieth trail of the season. Phil was chuffed about his achievement until he met Dickie Smithson who told him ‘ 121 in a season beat that’.

The roadside wall collapsed at Eshdale on Saturday. Told Tony it wont take long to repair without  realising that it was rather wide and most of the fallen stone was in the field.

Also ta to those who helped me and la’al Pat to clear the road.

‘Foxparke Invisibles!

We know what you meant – ‘ Would you mind scouting the last road please because the chap who is scouting has ‘parkies’ and needs a break.

If you hear Les Hudson shouting ‘Doll’ when Doll isn’t running ,it is because he calls everything’ doll ‘, that’s according to Jeanette, who I think is blowing up things out of proportion.

Tommy Newall is going bionic and wont be shouting ‘Trailllllllllllllll or judging for the rest of the season, we wish him well and just to squash a rumour John Toni Palmer will not be replacing him as he wont be able to see the tape for smoke!