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21st March 2025 – message re Elinor Roper

Elinor Mary Roper passed away today after a short illness. Ken and Elinor ran hounds in the HTA for many years and hounds still continue to run over their land at Oulton. Our thoughts and condolences go to the family. RIP Elinor


16th March 2025 – advance notice re discount prices for Ambleside Sports

SAVE MONEY by getting your Ambleside Sports tickets early (Free admission for children aged 4yrs and under).

From now until 31st May
REDUCED PRICE: Adults £7, Under 16s £3

From 1st June – 27th July
REDUCED PRICE: Adults £10, Under 16s £4

From 28th July until 31st July
FULL PRICE: Adults £12, Under 16s £5

Thanks Fiona

15th March 2025 – update on matings

Confirmed Mating’s – 2024/2025

  1. Thorn Dancer x Foxparke Billy Elliot – 4 x Bitches
  2. Fire Lass x Maverick – 5 x Bitches – 3 x Dogs
  3. Silver Streak x Cuckoo Lane – 2 x Bitches – 7 x Dogs
  4. Sarah Jane x Cuckoo Lane – 5 x Bitches – 6 X Dogs
  5. Oakbank Izzy x High Crag – no pups
  6. Foxparke Bugga Boo x Foxparke Billy Elliot – no pups
  7. Clementine x Reebok – 3 x bitches – 4 x dogs
  8. Lucky Lottie x Miterdale Steele – 7 bitches – 4 dogs
  9. Delta Supreme x Sir Robert – no pups
  10. Adele x Bestmate
  11. Foxparke Parma Violet x Foxparke Billy Elliot
  12. Miterdale Honesty x Overwater Jack

15th March 2025 – New Treasurer Appointed

As from today Kerry Lindsay will be taking on the role of Treasurer for the HTA. Her phone number is 07585505611, email –, home address – The Shearlings, Sunny Slack, Broughton Moor CA15 7RW. Payments where possible to be made by bank transfer. Kerry would prefer documents/cheques etc to be sent through the post and she can collect any cash at the trails. I am sure we all wish her well in her new role. The HTA would like to thank John for his stalwart efforts as treasurer over the last eight years.

11th March 2025 – message re winners for Aspatria and Wigton presentation night

Reminder of the winners for the presentation night

Aspatria / Wigton points

Local Winner

Hounds – Lady Million

Senior Maidens – Thorn Thunder

Pups– Minnie Million

Puppy Maidens – Thorn Heart, 17- Thorn Star 11, Busy Lad – 7.

Open Maidens – Thorn Thunder – 37, Imagine- 25

Open Restricted – Thorn Pop

Open Non-Winners – Thorn Star

Oulton Points

Hounds– Rodney Raider

Senior Maidens – Border Reign

Pups– Huntsman’s Time.

Puppy Maidens – Sonny Bill

Open Non-Winners – thorn sass

Open Maidens – Border Reign

Open Restricted – Thorn Gift

Veteran– Hunters Flame

Foxhound Cup– Adele

John Dixon – Huntsman’s Time

Bobby Simpson – Border Reign

Outside Area Cup– Thornton.

3rd March 2025 – update on matings

Confirmed Mating’s – 2024/2025

  1. Thorn Dancer x Foxparke Billy Elliot – 4 x Bitches
  2. Fire Lass x Maverick – 5 x Bitches – 3 x Dogs
  3. Silver Streak x Cuckoo Lane – 2 x Bitches – 7 x Dogs
  4. Sarah Jane x Cuckoo Lane – 5 x Bitches – 6 X Dogs
  5. Oakbank Izzy x High Crag – no pups
  6. Foxparke Bugga Boo x Foxparke Billy Elliot – no pups
  7. Clementine x Reebok – 3 x bitches – 4 x dogs
  8. Lucky Lottie x Miterdale Steele
  9. Delta Supreme x Sir Robert – no pups
  10. Adele x Bestmate
  11. Foxparke Parma Violet x Foxparke Billy Elliot
  12. Miterdale Honesty x Overwater Jack

2nd March 2025 – message from the secretary

1. Reminder for anyone who hasn’t paid their membership or Kennel fee – can this be paid as soon as possible please to either myself or Paul
2. Can I ask that members follow the rule regarding informing the Secretary when a dog is missing not everyone informs me so it would be much appreciated if this could happen this season hopefully there will be no missing dogs.
3. Statement to all promoters re Fixture Committee – this year the fixture committee will NOT be taking place this year. All details regarding proposed trails will need to be directed towards you local Area meeting and confirmed at the Area meeting. Any negotiations between areas will need to take place prior to the Area meetings confirming fixtures. Now that there are only four areas this should not be too onerous for people to do. South Lakes Area meetings will take place on the first Monday of the month, Whitehaven Area meetings will take place on the first Friday, Cockermouth and Workington Area meetings will take place on the second Monday and Carlisle and Penrith Meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of the month.
4. Also can I remind everyone about the £5 transfer and change of owner. This applies to any changes that occur during the open season. Includes when hounds change kennel for what ever reason, again a reminder that you should notify the secretary when any hound changes kennel anyway, any changes to owners or additions of owners.

Many Thanks

Good Luck to everyone this season


1st March 2025 – update on matings

Confirmed Mating’s – 2024/2025

  1. Thorn Dancer x Foxparke Billy Elliot – 4 x Bitches
  2. Fire Lass x Maverick – 5 x Bitches – 3 x Dogs
  3. Silver Streak x Cuckoo Lane – 2 x Bitches – 7 x Dogs
  4. Sarah Jane x Cuckoo Lane – 5 x Bitches – 6 X Dogs
  5. Oakbank Izzy x High Crag – no pups
  6. Foxparke Bugga Boo x Foxparke Billy Elliot – no pups
  7. Clementine x Reebok
  8. Lucky Lottie x Miterdale Steele
  9. Delta Supreme x Sir Robert – no pups
  10. Adele x Bestmate
  11. Foxparke Parma Violet x Foxparke Billy Elliot
  12. Miterdale Honesty x Overwater Jack

21st Feb 2025 – update on confirmed matings

Confirmed Mating’s – 2024/2025

  1. Thorn Dancer x Foxparke Billy Elliot – 4 x Bitches
  2. Fire Lass x Maverick – 5 x Bitches – 3 x Dogs
  3. Silver Streak x Cuckoo Lane – 2 x Bitches – 8 x Dogs
  4. Sarah Jane x Cuckoo Lane – 5 x Bitches – 6 X Dogs
  5. Oakbank Izzy x High Crag – no pups
  6. Foxparke Bugga Boo x Foxparke Billy Elliot – no pups
  7. Clementine x Reebok
  8. Lucky Lottie x Miterdale Steele
  9. Delta Supreme x Sir Robert – no pups
  10. Adele x Bestmate
  11. Foxparke Parma Violet x Foxparke Billy Elliot
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