Important notice to all Members.

In the last week there have been three fatalities of hounds ,that were in training, an autopsy on one of them revealed Pneumonia was the cause of death, in the other two , who had similar symptoms, the cause was unknown. For the past few months some hounds have been under the vet for one thing and another and there seems to be no underlying cause. There has been a few guesses as to why but nothing conclusive.. The HTA will attempt to try and get an answer and to start with we would like to draw up a dossier of all hounds that have either had an unexplained loss of form, been under the vet without no conclusive reason why , and any hound that has suffered the following symptoms.

Coughing, Wheezing, chest pain, fever , difficult breathing, dehydration and loss of appetite. Your hound may have had these symptoms and made a recovery but we would like to know its history.



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