Abide With Me.

Well ! That’s it for another season.

Congratulations to all Champions in their own grades, all points winners.

Thanks to all the farmers and Landowners , to the unsung heroes , the trail layers, the scouts, the helpers ( raffles,catchers etc) and the trailers themselves for keeping this unique ,traditional sport going.

In a time of changing ‘scenery’ it is gratifying to know that a sport like ours can survive and perhaps prosper. I know it is difficult, more expensive and time consuming.

But , ‘ chins up ‘, we’ll live to fight another day and come next April we will be there ready for the challenge of another season.

Also watch out for the new seasons pups including ,and carrying on the American states theme, Massachusetts, Mississippi and Pennsylvania. LOL.

By the way this column will continue through the Winter with extracts from the ‘Whitehaven’ from years gone by.


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